About the Journal


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: After registration I am not able to upload new articles. How can I submit an article?
  • A: You forget to check the “Author: Able to submit items to the journal” field during the registration. To correct this problem, go to your profile at http://cmpj.icmp.lviv.ua/index.php/cmpj/user/profile and under your “Roles” check the “Author” field. Do not forget to save your profile when finish.
  • Q: I forget my password. How to reset it?
  • Q: I was able to login only once and during the next logins the server complains about wrong login name and password. How to correct this problem?
  • A: You can try to reset your password by the following steps:
    1. Go to the http://cmpj.icmp.lviv.ua/index.php/cmpj and at the top of the page select "LOG IN".
    2. Then press “Forgot your password?”
    3. Enter your email as it is recorded in your profile.
    4. You will receive an e-mail with a request to confirm the change of the password. Do it!
    5. An e-mail with a temporary (single use!) password will arrive.
    6. After login you will be asked to enter the permanent password. Enter your temporary password as a “current password” and then type twice your permanent password.
  • Q: I can not finish the assign/enroll reviewer procedure. How to do this?
  • Q: I do not see all elements of the interface. How to correct this problem?
  • A: The resolution of your display is too low and some elements of the interface are outside of the frame. Reduce the font size using buttons “Font size” on the right panel.



We would like to inform you that we have switched to a new Web-site of the CMP and a new editorial system.

The authors and referees of the manuscripts submitted prior to July, 16, 2024 and unpublished yet should continue to use this old editorial system for processing of the said manuscripts only.

For new submissions, we are kindly asking all of you to register at the new Web-site under the link
https://cmpj2.icmp.lviv.ua/index.php/cmpj/user/register even though you have been already registered in the old system.